Saturday, May 15, 2010

Its Finished!!!

My schooling career is over and this is what I have to show. One year of hard work.

Frank from Evan Tedlock on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March Update

I'm nearly done with all of the rough animation! Pretty soon it will be a rendering downhill run. :D

Monday, March 29, 2010

Listen to Frank!

Here is the first part of the score that my wonderful sound guy Colin McDaniel has been working on for me. It's turning out to be a beautiful collaboration. :D

Monday, March 1, 2010

February Update

Keepin it current. This is damn near the final timing for the film. I've got everything keyed out so now all that's left is inbetweening and rendering.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


In the past 3 weeks, I have gotten ALOT done. I've managed to render over 2 minutes of footage, changed the ending, figured out how to render the drawn's and started contacting composers. Here is the January update and a short preview of the film.

Frank Preview from Evan Tedlock on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dec Update

Yes it's a little late but better than never :D So here is everything that I have so far.

Please give me feedback on anything you see but mainly I want to focus on the shot structure and compositions keeping in mind the set story. Let me know if I need to add subtract or change anything. Thank you for your help :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday update. Dec. 18

Let me start off by saying, the transition has been rough. It's been interesting trying to work a full time job and then try to animate during the night. It's hard enough to get started on a fresh new day let alone after the sun sets. Slowly but surly my wheels are Turing and things are working out. This past week I've managed to get my space set up and I finished off a shot. I started a new shot, that's been the slow part, and I ran into some story issues. I feel Like I've figured everything out now, adding some things here and trimming some things there. Overall, it's coming together. It's been a rocky start but things are looking good. :D